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php获取分类目录并赋值给多维函数,二维或多维函数保存PHP树形分类目录 - 全文内容:




 * 查询分类下的所有子分类.此处可优化数据库查询
 * @param int $sort_id
 *            must. 父ID
 * @param string $type
 *            Optional. id/name/slug/description. Default is id.
 *@param  bool $self
 *              optional,false/true 包括自己本身
 *   @param  boll $isarr 
 *              optional. false/true retern string/array 
 *   @param  boll $taxonomy
 *              optional.   category/post_tag 
 *   @param  $tier
 *              no input.                                        
 * @return string

function getchildrenids($sort_id=0, $type = 'id',$self=false,$isarr=FALSE,$taxonomy='category',$tier=0)
        $dbids = db_sql("select yh_terms.term_id as id,yh_terms.name as name,yh_terms.slug as slug,yh_term_taxonomy.taxonomy as taxonomy,yh_term_taxonomy.description as description from yh_term_taxonomy left join yh_terms on yh_term_taxonomy.term_id=yh_terms.term_id  where yh_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='{$taxonomy}' and yh_terms.term_id='{$sort_id}'");
        if(!$dbids) return false;
        $row = $dbids->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
            'tier' => 0,
            '0_id' => $row['id'],
            '0_name' => $row['name'],
            '0_slug' => $row['slug'],
            '0_description' => $row['description']
    $dbids = db_sql("select yh_terms.term_id as id,yh_terms.name as name,yh_terms.slug as slug,yh_term_taxonomy.taxonomy as taxonomy,yh_term_taxonomy.description as description from yh_term_taxonomy left join yh_terms on yh_term_taxonomy.term_id=yh_terms.term_id  where yh_term_taxonomy.parent='{$sort_id}'  and yh_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='{$taxonomy}' ORDER BY `yh_terms`.`name` ASC");
    while($row = $dbids->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
        //$arr['str'] .= ',' . $row[$type];
//         $arr[$tier.'_id']=$row['id'];
//         $arr[$tier.'_name']=$row['name'];
//         $arr[$tier.'_slug']=$row['slug'];
//         $arr[$tier.'_description']=$row['description'];

            'tier' => $tier,
            $tier.'_id' => $row['id'],
            $tier.'_name' => $row['name'],
            $tier.'_slug' => $row['slug'],
            $tier.'_description' => $row['description']
        $arrre=getchildrenids($row['id'], $type,FALSE,TRUE,$taxonomy,$tier);
        if($arrre) $arr=array_merge_recursive($arr,array($arrre));
//         echo "循环输出\n";
//         var_dump($row);
//         echo "返回值输出\n";
//         var_dump($arr);
        //$arr=array_merge_recursive($arr,array(getchildrenid($row['id'], $type,$taxonomy,TRUE,$tier)));
        if($tier==1&&empty($arr['0'])) unset($arr['0']);
        return $arr;
        return arrtostr($arr,$type,',');
        return false;
